Event: Building Partnerships for Transformation: Wisconsin and African Evaluators + Leaders Planting Seeds for Change
Date: July 23rd, 9am-12pm
Location: Wisconsin Idea Room/159 Education Building 1000 Bascom Mall, Madison, WI 53706
RSVP: http://evaluation.wildapricot.org/event-2984051
You are invited to a meeting of ¡Milwaukee Evaluation! members with President Barack Obama's Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) -- many of whom are engaged in evaluation and visiting Wisconsin for a limited time. This event is designed to exchange ideas and mix professional development with plenty of networking.
Professional development exchanges may include the following topics:
- Wakanda evaluation: How can Africans and African Americans connect on evaluation?
- Unpacking capitalism: How do we understand capitalism in our evaluation work?
- Corruption as a barrier to evaluation
- Feminist evaluation: How do men practice it?
¡Milwaukee Evaluation! is charging a small fee to cover refreshments and drinks but wnat to be responsive to everyone's diet needs and restrictions. If cost is an issue, please let them know.
If you have questions, please contact Elise Ahn at elise.ahn@wisc.edu.