CREA Scholarships - due 7/16/21

07/14/2021 4:29 PM | Brad Krueger (Administrator)

Dear CEA friends,

We are partnering with CREA at the University of Illinois for a special opportunity for current Chicago-based under-represented minority (URM) graduate students or early career (1-2 years) evaluators  to apply for a conference registration scholarship to the Center for Culturally Responsive Evaluation and Assessment's (CREA) Sixth International Conference from September 29th to October 1st 2021. The conference is taking place at the Palmer House in Chicago and the scholarship is open to graduate student attendees or early career evaluators only. Eligibility and application details are provided below. 

The timeline for selection is short and there are only a limited number of scholarships available. Please fill out the application at (CREA/CEA Application Form), which is due by 5pm CST on Monday, July 16, 2021 


Applicants must be a  member of a traditionally underrepresented racial/ethnic minority group. Pursuant to Section 9.16 of the Board of Higher Education Act (110 ILCS 205), the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) annually reports to the Governor and General Assembly on the status and participation of underrepresented groups in higher education. The Act defines “underrepresented” as a citizen or resident alien who identifies as African American, Hispanic or Latino, Asian-American, Pacific Islander, American Indian, or Alaska Native. 

In addition, applicants must be able to:

  • Attend the full conference, Wednesday, September 29th - Friday, October 1st. 

  • Attend an orientation the first week of August.

  • Attend a post-conference meeting.

  • Develop, either alone or as a group, a Poster Board Presentation (Mentorship to complete this task will be available

Please feel free to reach out to me at with any questions. We look forward to receiving your applications.

Best wishes,

Sheila Rodriguez

CEA Vice President

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